
Publicaciones 2019

A critical review on control methods for harmful algal bloomsGallardo J., Astuya A., Llanos A., Avello V., Ulloa V2019Reviews in Aquaculture 11 (3), 661-684. 10.1111/raq.12251
A harmonized nitrous oxide (N2O) ocean observation network for the 21st centuryBange, H, D.L. Arévalo-Martínez, M. de la Paz, L. Farías, J.Kaiser, A. Kock, C. S. Law, A. P. Rees, G. Rehder, P.D. Tortell, R. C. Upstill-Goddard and S. T. Wilson.2019Front. Mar. Sci.,
A new method to evaluate the vulnerability of watersheds facing several stressors: A case study in mediterranean ChileArriagada, L. O. Rojas, J. L. Arumí, J. Munizaga, C. Rojas, L. Farías, C. Vega. 20191.   Science of the Total Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.237.
A standardized method of classifying pulsed sounds and its application to pulse rate measurement of blue whale southeast Pacific song unitsPatris, Julie; Malige, Franck; Glotin, Herve; Asch, Mark; Buchan, Susannah J.2019Journal of the acoustical society of America
Ammonium release via dissolution and biological mineralization of food pellets used in salmon farmingFernandez, C., Rain-Franco, A., Rojas, C., Molina, V2019
An unsupervised Hidden Markov Model-based system for the detection and classification of blue whale vocalizations off ChileBuchan, Susannah J.; Mahú, Rodrigo; Wuth, Jorge; Balcazar-Cabrera, Naysa; Gutierrez, Laura; Neira, Sergio; Yoma, Néstor Becerra2019Bioacoustics
Anti-inflammatory mediators and appetite regulatory neuropeptides are affected by chronic stress in Salmo salarC. Álvarez Claudia Beatriz Cárcamo Kimberly Munoz, Sebastian Boltana, Luis Mercado2019Fish & Shellfish Immunology
Antiproliferative activity of carotenoid pigments produced by extremophile bacteriaCristian Tapia, Bárbara López, Allisson Astuya, José Becerra, Concetta Gugliandolo, Boris Parra, Miguel Martínez2019Natural Product Research, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2019.1698574
Applying a separability assumption in a lengh-bassed stock assesment model to evaluate intra-annual effects of recruiment process error of a smal-pelagic fishCanales CM., Cubillos LA., Cuevas MJ., Adasme N., Sánchez N.2019Fisheries Research 217, 108-121
Biogeochemical proxies and diatoms in surface sediments across the Drake Passage reflect oceanic domains and frontal systems in the region.Cárdenas P., Lange C.B., Vernet M., Esper O., Srain B., Vorrath M.E., Ehrhardt S., Müller J., Kuhn G., Arz H.W., Lembke-Jene L., Lamy F. 2019Progress in Oceanography, 174, 72‒88. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.10.004
Calicotyle hydrolagi n. sp. (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) infecting the deep-sea Eastern Pacific black ghost shark Hydrolagus melanophasma from the Atacama Trench, with comments on host specificity of Calicotyle spp.Oliva, M.E., Sepúlveda, F.A., Ñacari, L., Droguet, F., Escribano, R2019Parasitology International. Accepted.
Cell Cycle, Division Rate, and Feeding of the Heterotroph Phalacroma rotundatum in a Chilean FjordDiaz, Patricio A.; Perez-Santos, Ivan; Alvarez, Gonzalo; Araya, Michael; Alvarez, Francisco; Reguera, Beatriz2019MICROORGANISMS
Characterization of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) gonadal transcriptome during different stages of sexual developmentRibas L, Crespo B, Sánchez-Baizán N, Xavier D, Kuhl H, Rodríguez JM, Díaz N, Boltaña S, MacKenzie S, Reinhardt R, Moran F, Zanuy S, Gómez A, Piferrer F2019Marine Biotechnology
Comité cientifico mesa oceanos: Oceanos y cambio climatico: 50 preguntas y respuestas Fernandez, C. 2019Santiago, Chileéano-y-el-cambio-Cimático1.pdf
Compositional and biogeochemical variations of sediments across the terrestrial-marine continuum of the Baker-Martínez fjord system (Chile, 48°S).Rebolledo L., Bertrand S., Lange C.B., Tapia F.J., Quiroga E., Troch M., Silva N., Cárdenas P., Pantoja S. 2019Progress in Oceanography, 174, 89‒104. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.12.004.
Comunity structured production of zooplankton in the eastern boundary upwelling system off central/southern Chile (2003-2012).Medellin-Mora, J.; Atkinson, A.; Escribano, R.2019ICES Journal of Marine Sciences doi:10.1039/icesjms/fsz193
Condición reproductiva de la jibia Dosidicus gigas en la zona costera del centro-sur de ChileIbáñez, Ch. M., D. López-Córdova, A. Zúñiaga y H. Arancibia.2019Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 54: 35-42
Contribution of non-canonical cortisol actions in the early modulation of glucose metabolism of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)Aedo J, Ruiz-Jarabo I, Martínez-Rodríguez G, Boltaña S, Molina A, Valdés JA, Mancera JM2019Frontiers in Endocrinology
Dictyota falklandica sp. nov. (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from the Falkland Islands and southernmost South AmericaKüpper F. C., Peters A. K., Kytinou E., Asensi A. O., Vieira C., Macaya E. C. & De Clerck O.2019Phycologia. 58: 640-647
Different ecological mechanisms lead to similar grazer controls of the functioning of periphyton communities from Antarctic and sub-Antarctic communitiesValdivia, N., Pardo, L., Macaya, E. C., Huoninen, P. & Gómez, I.2019Progress in Oceanography. 174: 7-16.
Dominant scales of subtidal variability in coastal hydrography of the Northern Chilean PatagoniaNarvaez, DA; Vargas, CA; Cuevas, LA; Garcia-Loyola, SA; Lara, C; Segura, C; Tapia, FJ; Broitman, BR2019Journal of Marine Systems
Early transcriptomic responses associated with the membrane-initiated action of 2 cortisol in the skeletal muscle of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykissAedo J, Zuloaga R, Bastías-Molina M, Meneses C, Boltaña S, Molina A, Valdés JA.2019Physiological Genomic
El niño southern oscillation on a changing planet - Consequences for coastal ecosystems.Riascos, J.M.; Gutiérrez, D.A.; Escribano, R.; Thadje, S.2019Frontiers in Marine science
Es calanus chilensis un indicador de la corriente de Humboldt en el PacíficoBucheli R, Cajas J, Hidalgo P.2019Acta oceanográfica del pacífico vol.23 N°1
Extreme ENSO-driven torrential rainfalls at the southern edge of the Atacama Desert during the Late Holocene and their projection into the 21th centuryOrtega, C., Vargas, G., Rojas, M., Rutlant, J.a., Muñoz, P., Lange, C.B., Pantoja, S., Dezileau, L, Ortlieb, L. 2019Global and Planetary Change 175, 226‒237.
Fecal pollution source tracking and thalassogenic diseases: The temporal-spatial concordance between maximum concentrations of human mitochondrial DNA in seawater and Hepatitis A outbreaks among a coastal populationGonzález-Saldía, R. R., Pino-Maureira, N. L., Muñoz, C., Soto, L., Duran, E., Barra, M. J., & Saavedra, A.2019Science of The Total Environment. 686, 158-170.
First acoustic recordings of critically endangered eastern South Pacific southern right whales (Eubalaena australis)Jacobs, E; Duffy, M; Magolan, J; Vernazzani, BG; Cabrera, E; Landea, R; Buchan, S; Sayigh, L2019Marine Mammal Science
First long-term record of halogenated organic compounds (AOX, EOX and PCDD/F) and trace elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb, Ni and Zn)in marine biota of thje coastal zone of southcentral Chile.Marco Salamanca, Cristian Chandia, Aldo Hernandez and Freddy Vargas.2019Marine Pollution Bulletin. Volume 146. Pages 442-453
Freshwater structure and its seasonal variability off western Patagonia.Saldías, G., M. Sobarzo and R. Quiñones2019Progress in Oceanography 174: 143-153.
Fungi in the Marine Environment: Open Questions and Unsolved ProblemsAmend A.; Burgaud G.; Cunliffe M.; Edgcomb V.P.; Ettinger C.L.; Gutiérrez M.H.; Heitman J.; Hom E.F.Y.; Ianiri G.; Jones A.C.; Kagami M.; Picard K.T.; Quandt C.A.; Raghukumar S.; Riquelme M.; Stajich J.; Vargas-Muñóz J.; Walker A.K.; Yarden O.; Gladfelter A.S.2019mBio
Global Perspectives on Observing Ocean Boundary Current Systems.Todd, R.E. et al.....Escribano, R. et al.2019Frontiers in Marine Science.
Greenhouse gases, nutrients and the carbonate system in the Reloncaví Fjord (Northern Chilean Patagonia): Implications on aquaculture of the mussel, Mytilus chilensis, during an episodic volcanic eruptionYevenes, M.A., Lagos, N.A.,Farías, L.,Vargas, C.A.2019Science of The Total Environment | Volumen 669, Páginas 49-61  doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.037
Hydrographic and Biological Impacts of a Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) in a Patagonian FjordMeerhoff, Erika; Castro, Leonardo R.; Tapia, Fabián J.; Pérez-Santos, Iván2019Estuaries and Coasts
Hydrographic variability along the inner and mid-shelf region of the western Ross Sea obtained using instrumented sealsPiñones A.; Hofmann E.E.; Costa D.P.; Goetz K.; Burns J.M.; Roquet F.; Dinniman M.S.; Klinck J.M.2019Progress in Oceanography
Impacts of harmful algal blooms on the aquaculture industry: Chile as a case studyDíaz, Patricio A.; Álvarez, Gonzalo; Varela, Daniel; Pérez-Santos, Iván; Díaz, Manuel; Molinet, Carlos; Seguel, Miriam; Aguilera-Belmonte, Alejandra; Guzmán, Leonardo; Uribe, Eduardo; Rengel, José; Hernández, Cristina; Segura, Cristian; Figueroa, Rosa I.2019Perspectives in Phycology
In vitro immunomodulatory activities of peptides derived from Salmo salar NK-lysin and cathelicidin in fish cellsJannel Acosta, Francisco Roa, Iván González-Chavarría, Allisson Astuya, Rafael Maura, Raquel Montesino, Carolina Muñoz, Frank Camacho, Paulina Saavedra, Ariel Valenzuela, Oliberto Sánchez, Jorge R. Toledo.2019Fish and shellfish immunology. 2019. 88: 587-594. WOS. : 10.1016/j.fsi.2019.03.034
Inter-annual and seasonal variations in the Outer and Inner Sea spawning zones of southern hake, Merluccius australis, inferred from early life stages distributions in Chilean PatagoniaFlores, Eduardo A.; Castro, Leonardo R.; Narvaez, Diego A.; Lillo, Sergio; Balbontin, Fernando; Osorio-Zuniga, Francisca2019Progress in Oceanography
Inter-annual and seasonal variations in the Outer and Inner Sea spawning zones of southern hake, Merluccius australis, inferred from early life stages distributions in Chilean Patagonia.Flores, E., L. Castro, D. A. Narváez, S. Lillo, F. Balbontín, F. Osorio-Zúñiga. 2019Progress in Oceanography. 171: 93-107
Interannual Variability of Dinophysis acuminata and Protoceratium reticulatum in a Chilean Fjord: Insights from the Realized Niche AnalysisAlves-de-Souza, C; Iriarte, JL; Mardones, JI2019Toxins
Interplay between freshwater discharge and oceanic waters modulates phytoplankton size-structure in fjords and channel systems of the Chilean PatagoniaCuevas L.A.; Tapia F.J.; Iriarte J.L.; González H.E.; Silva N.; Vargas C.A.2019Progress in Oceanography
Iron cycling in a mesocosm experiment in a north Patagonian fjord: Potential effect of ammonium addition by salmon aquacultureSánchez, N.; Bizselb, N.; Iriarte, J.L.; Olsend, L.M; Ardelana, M.V. 2019Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Leaf-like morphology and behaviour of juvenile horsefish (Congiopodus peruvianus) (Scorpaeniformes: Congiopodidae) from Chilean PatagoniaBetti, F.; Daneri, G.2019MARINE BIODIVERSITY
Linking optical and chemical signatures of dissolved organic matter in the southern Argentine shelf: Distribution and bioavailabilityGarzon-Cardona, John E.; Martinez, Ana; Pantoja, Silvio; Guinder, Valeria; Koch, Boris; Krock, Bernd; Barrera, Facundo; Lara, Ruben2019Journal of marine systems
Long-term persistence of the floating bull kelp Durvillaea antarctica from the South-East Pacific: Potential contribution to local and transoceanic connectivityTala F, Lopez B., Velásquez M, Jeldres, R., Macaya E. C., Mansilla A, Ojeda, J., & Thiel M.2019Marine Environmental Research. 149: 67-79.
Membrane-initiated cortisol action modulate the early pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 (pdk2) expression in fish skeletal muscleAedo J, Zuloaga R, Boltaña S, Molina A, Valdés.2019Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A
Microbial communities composition, activity and dynamics at Salar de Huasco, a polyextreme environment in the Chilean Altiplano. In: Extremophile microbial ecosystems in central Andes extreme environmentsDorador, C., Molina, V., Hengst, M., Eissler, Y., Cornejo, M., Fernández, C., Pérez, V. 2019Extremophile microbial ecosystems in central Andes extreme environments. ME Farias (Ed). Springer, series: Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology.
Monitoring Microbial Communities in the Marine Environmentvan den Engh, G., Ulloa, O., Karl, D.M2019Cytometry Part A | Volumen 95, Páginas 717-721.
MyD88 dependence on the activation of induced innate effector mechanisms by TLR5M and TLR5S in salmonids C Muñoz, A Astuya, A Romero, JR Toledo2019Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 10.1016/j.fsi.2019.04.079
Nitrogen assimilation in picocyanobacteria inhabiting the oxygen‐deficient waters of the eastern tropical North and South PacificAldunate, M.Henríquez, C.Ji, Q.Lueders-Dumont, J.Mulholland, M.R.B. Ward, B.Von Dassow, P.Ulloa, O.2019Limnology and Oceanography | Volumen 65, Páginas 437-453
Non-predatory mortality in dominant copepods in the norther Chile (23°S) Humboldt current ecosystem.Yañez, S., Hidaldo, P., Tang, K.W.2019Marine ecology progress seris
Novel microsatellite markers discovery in Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) using high-throughput sequencingKillen Ko Garcia, Jorge Touma, Scarleth Bravo, Francisco Leiva, Luis Vargas-Chacoff, Ariel Valenzuela, Patricio Datagnan, Rodolfo Amthauer, Alberto Reyes & Rodrigo Vidal2019Molecular Biology Reports volume 46, pages5525–5530
Ocean Circulation Causes Strong Variability in the Mid-Atlantic Bight Nitrogen BudgetFriedrichs, Marjorie A. M.; St-Laurent, Pierre; Xiao, Yongjin; Hofmann, Eileen; Hyde, Kimberly; Mannino, Antonio; Najjar, Raymond G.; Narvaez, Diego A.; Signorini, Sergio R.; Tian, Hanqin; Wilkin, John; Yao, Yuanzhi; Xue, Jianhong2019Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Ontogenetic and short-term fluctuations in the residence depth of young pelagic stages of Munida gregaria in different zones of northern Patagonia.Castro LR, S Soto & F González-Saldías2019Progress in Oceanography 174: 173–184 DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.09.018
Otolith elemental composition reveals separate spawning areas of anchoveta, Engraulis ringens, off central Chile and northern PatagoniaJose Cuevas, Maria; Gorski, Konrad; Castro, Leonardo R.; Vivancos, Aurelien; Reid, Malcolm R.2019Scientia marina
Polyphenols obtained from Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) Schmith altered the viability and proliferation of salmonids cells lines SHK-1 and CHSE-214Olivares-Ferretti, Pamela; Hernandez, Klaudia; Peredo-Parada, Matias; Chavez, Viviana; Carmona, Erico; Astuya, Allisson; Parodi, Jorge2019Aquatic Toxicology
Polyphenols obtained from Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) Schmith altered the viability and proliferation of salmonids cells lines SHK-1 and CHSE-214Pamela Olivares-Ferrettie, Klaudia Hernandez, Matías Peredo-Parada, Viviana Chavez, Erico Carmona, Allisson Astuya, Jorge Parodi. 2019Aquatic toxicology. 2019. 211:141-147. WOS. 10.1016/j.aquatox.2019.03.022
Redox traits characterize the organization of global microbial communitiesRamírez-Flandes, S.; González, B.; Ulloa, O.2019"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | Volumen 116, Número 9, Páginas 3630-3635
Relative importance of predatory versus non-predatory mortality for dominant copepod species in the northern Chilean (23°S) Humboldt Current SystemYañez, S., Hidaldo, P., Tang, K.W.2019Marine Ecology Progress Series | Volumen 630, Páginas 13-23, doi:10.3354/meps13130
Salinity-Growth Response and Ichthyotoxic Potency of the Chilean Pseudochattonella verruculosaMardones, JI; Fuenzalida, G; Zenteno, K; Alves-de-Souza, C; Astuya, A; Dorantes-Aranda, JJ2019Frontiers in Marine Science
Salinity-growth response and Ichthyotoxic Potency of the Chilean Pseudochattonella verruculosa. Jorge I. Mardones, Gonzalo Fuenzalida, Katherine Zenteno, Catharina Alves-de-Souza, Allisson Astuya and Juan José Dorantes-Aranda2019Frontiers in marine Science. 6(24) 1-12.
Salmon farming vulnerability to climate change in southern Chile: understanding the biophysical, socioeconomic and governance linksSoto, D.; León-Muñoz, J.; Dresdner, J.; Luengo, C.; Tapia, F. J.; Garreaud, R.2019Reviews in Aquaculture, doi:10.1111/raq.12336
Sampling and processing methods impact microbial community structure and potential activity in a seasonally anoxic fjord: Saanich Inlet, British ColumbiaTorres-Beltrán, M.Mueller, A.Scofield, MPachiadaki, M.G.Taylor, C.Tyshchenko, K...Ulloa, O....Hallam, S.J.2019Frontiers in Marine Science | Volumen 6, Artículo 132.
Seasonal Changes in Carbonate Saturation State and Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes During an Annual Cycle in a Stratified-Temperate Fjord (Reloncavi Fjord, Chilean Patagonia)Vergara-Jara, Maximiliano J.; DeGrandpre, Michael D.; Torres, Rodrigo; Beatty, Cory M.; Antonio Cuevas, L.; Alarcon, Emilio; Luis Iriarte, Jose2019JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES
Seasonal occurrence of fin whale song off Juan Fernandez, ChileBuchan, Susannah J.; Gutierrez, Laura; Balcazar-Cabrera, Naysa; Stafford, Kathleen M.2019Endangered Species Research
Seasonal Variability of the Southern Tip of the Oxygen Minimum Zone in the Eastern South Pacific (30 degrees-38 degrees S): A Modeling StudyPizarro-Koch, Matias; Pizarro, Oscar; Dewitte, Boris; Montes, Ivonne; Ramos, Marcel; Paulmier, Aurelien; Garcon, Veronique2019JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS
Spatio-temporal variability of strandings of the southern bull kelp Durvillaea antarctica (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) on beaches along the coast of Chile - linked to local stormsLopez B., Macaya E. C., Jeldres, R., Valdivia, N., Bonta, C. C., Tala F., & Thiel M.2019Journal of Applied Phycology 31:2159–2173
Spawning marker patterns of Engrauling Rigens of northern ChileClaramunt, G., Cubillos L., Herrera G., Díaz H.2019Fisheries Research 219, 105-306
Subantarctic and Antarctic Marine Ecosystems: outlining patterns and processes in a changing oceanIriarte, J. L.; Gomez, I.; Gonzalez, H. E.; Nahuelhual, L.; Navarro, J. M.2019PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY
Synoptic-scale variability of surface winds and ocean response to atmospheric forcing in the eastern austral Pacific Ocean, OceanPérez-Santos, I.Seguel, R.Schneider, W.Linford, P.Donoso, D.Navarro, E.Amaya-Cárcamo, C.Pinilla, E.Daneri, G.2019Ocean Science | Volumen 15, Páginas 1247-1266.
Talaromyces australis and Penicillium murcianum pigment production in optimized liquid cultures and evaluation of their cytotoxicity in textile applicationsHernandez, Vicente A.; Machuca, Angela; Saavedra, Isaac; Chavez, Daniel; Astuya, Allisson; Barriga, Carolina2019World journal of microbiology biotechnology
The Enduring Questions: What's for Dinner? Where's My Knife? ...and Can I Use My Fingers? (Unanswered) Questions Related to Organic Matter and Microbes in Marine SedimentsArnosti, Carol; Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe; Coffinet, Sarah; Wilkes, Heinz; Pantoja, Silvio2019Frontiers in marine science
The expression of TRPV channels, prostaglandin E2 and pro-inflammatory cytokines during behavioural fever in fishN. Sanhueza,Andrea AguilarD, Vergara, Sebastian Boltana2019Fish & Shellfish Immunology
The glass half-empty: climate change drives lower freshwater input in the coastal system of the Chilean Northern PatagoniaAguayo, Rodrigo; León-Muñoz, Jorge; Vargas-Baecheler, José; Montecinos, Aldo; Garreaud, René; Urbina, Mauricio; Soto, Doris; Luis Iriarte, José2019CLIMATIC CHANGE
The impact of fishing on a highly vulnerable ecosystem, the case of Juan Fernandez Ridge ecosystem.Porobic, J., Fulton, E., Parada, C., Frusher, S., Ernst, B., Manriquez, P. 2019PLoS ONE 14(2): e0212485
The impact of spring-neap tidal-stream cycles in tidal energy assessments in the Chilean Inland SeaArtal, Osvaldo; Pizarro, Oscar; Sepúlveda, Héctor H.2019Renewable Energy
The influence of regional and local oceanography in early stages of marine fishes from temperate rocky reefsDiaz-Astudillo, M; Landaeta, MF; Bernal-Duran, V; Castillo, MI; Alvarado-Nino, M; Alarcon, D2019Marine Biology
The phylogeographic history of amphitropical Callophyllis variegata (Florideophyceae, Rhodophyta) in the Pacific Ocean. Bringloe T. T., Macaya E. C., & Saunders G. W.2019Algae. 34: 91-97
The sponge fauna of the Seno Magdalena and Puyuhuapi Fjord (Chile), with a description of two new speciesBertolino, Marco; Costa, Gabriele; Reboa, Anna; Bavestrello, Giorgio; Pansini, Maurizio; Betti, Federico; Bo, Marzia; Daneri, Giovanni2019ZOOTAXA
Towards Integrating Evolution, Metabolism, and Climate Change Studies of Marine Ecosystems.Baltar, F., Bayer, B., Bednarsek, N., Deppeler, S., Escribano, R., Gonzalez, C.E., Hansman, R.L., Kanta Mishra, R., Moran, M.A., Repeta, D.J., Robinson, C., Sintes, E., Tamburini, C., Valentin, L.E., Hernd, G.J.2019Trends in Ecology and Evolution,
Two new species of Acanthocotyle Monticelli, 1888 (Monogenea: Acanthocotylidae), parasites of two deep-sea skates (Elasmobranchii: Rajiformes) in the South-East Pacific. Ñacari, L., Sepúlveda, F.A., Escribano, R., Oliva, M.E2019Parasite & Vectors.
Upwelling modulation of functional traits of a dominant planktonic grazer during “warm acid” El Niño 2015 in a year-round upwelling area of Humboldt Current.  Aguilera, V.M., Escribano, R., Vargas, C., González, M.T.2019 Plos One
Validation of cryogenic vacuum extraction of pore water from volcanic soils for isotopic analysisRivera, D., K.Gutierrez, W. Valdivia-Cea, M. Zambrano-Bigiarini, A.Godoy-Faúndez , A. Álvez and L. Farías 2019Water 2019, 11, 2214; doi:10.3390/w11112214
Variability of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in three freshwater influenced systems along central-southern Chile. Progress in Oceanography. Rain-Franco, A., Sobarzo, M., Fernandez, C., 2019doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2018.09.009.
Variation in consumer pressure along 2,500 km in a major upwelling system: crab predators are more important at higher latitudesMusrri, C.A., Poore, A.G.B., Hinojosa, I.A., Macaya E.C., Pacheco, A.S., Perez-Matus, A., Pino-Olivares, O., Stotz, W., Valdivia, N., Villalobos, V. & Thiel, M. 2019Marine Biology. 166: 142
Vertical distribution, specific gravity, and free amino acids in anchoveta Engraulis ringens eggs under contrasting spawning habitat conditionsCastro, L. R.; Claramunt, G.; Espinoza, R.; Azocar, C.; Soto-Mendoza, S.; Krautz, M. C.; Pantoja, S.2019Marine ecology progress series
Visual and passive acoustic observations of blue whale trios from two distinct populationsSchall, Elena; Di Iorio, Lucia; Berchok, Catherine; Filun, Diego; Bedrinana-Romano, Luis; Buchan, Susannah J.; Van Opzeeland, Ilse; Sears, Richard; Hucke-Gaete, Rodrigo2019Marine mammal science
Zooplankton  taxonomic and Trophic Community Structure Across Biogeochemical Regions in the Eastern South Pacific.González, C.E., Bode, A., Escribano, R., Schneider, W.2019Frontiers in Marine Sciences. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00498

Departamento de Oceanografía
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas
Universidad de Concepción – CHILE

Barrio Universitario s/n Concepción
+56 41 220 4502
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